Monday, June 9, 2014

Review the film adaptation of a book

" a walk to remember "this movie was based on novel by Nicholas Sparks. it's a romance story between two 18 years-old. Jamie Sullivan outsider at school who is laughed at because she wear the same old sweaters everyday, but she has the most natural beauty, she sings also. Shane west a senior boy who hangs with the popular crowd but is shaken when a stupid dare goes wrong and one of his friends is paralyzed in a diving accident. Landon used to make fun of Jamie with his friends, but one day Landon asked for help from Jamie in his play, he began to spend most of his time with her, then he started to fall in love with her. they we in relationship for amount of time then  Landon found out Jamie had cancer this whole time without her even telling him. she had strict father who didn't want Landon talking to Jamie anymore. the doctors told Jamie she doesn't have much time left for her. Landon decided to spend what left in Jamie's life with her. they got married. she died after couple months. First I read this novel it was really emotional then the movie came out it was better than the book, I recommend everyone to watch it but it's pretty sad. this is movie is my favorite over all.

why reading is important

Reading is not just to waste time, it's about being in another world and benefit from it in your actual life. spending time reading is better than spending it on social media and on things doesn't get you any better. reading escape you into someone's else world. if you were upset reading is the best thing you can    do because it makes you forgot what you're feeling it keeps you away from your actual feeling and it relieves stress and takes you to new place. when you are reading you are gaining experience from other people mistakes, as you get better with reading you understand more and it makes you communicate more with people. it doesn't just benefit you mentally it makes your brain sharp when you reach specific age and makes you less likely to have Alzheimer's disease. in the other hand reading makes you sleep better, personally i used to face troubles falling asleep but after i tried reading before bed time i sleep much better now. I used not to like reading, Also it was the most thing i hated to do but now it's everything i do when i have the time to. 

certain books for certain moods

you read book based on your current mood and feeling so when you're happy and feeling hopeful you choose comedy, happy love stories like the notebook there's a movie for it too. the kind of romance like Romeo and Juliet is a really depressed story. in the other hand fantasy book for those who like adventures, and they can imagine alot of stuff, like for people who love reading romance and drama will never like fantasy book. high school student like reading young adult books it includes all teenagers crazy stories and their everyday life so they like reading someone's story which makes them happy.

Friday, May 2, 2014

The books of my life

Favorite childhood book: beauty and the beast by Walter crane. 

when i was a kid i used to love reading about prince and princess and the beginning of their love story. i read this book over two times. the main reason was how the prince turned to and ugly beast but he treat the girl right. It was a really good book for children because children love to read imaginary stories and fairy tale books. 

Book that inspired me: the giver by Lois Lowry.

when i first read it i didn't like it but after five chapters it started to get exciting and fun,its all about whole another kind of life, the government decide when the person is going to die and choose their job in the future. it make the reader think about what if our life was like that. it is really good book. 

Book that made me cry: Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.

I love romance books and this book is my favorite. i love sad romance books with sad ending.Also i love all Shakespeare's books, he's great author for people who love romance. Romeo and Juliet is my favorite love story,it end by killing themselves because they can't be together.

Favorite book that went to the screen: Hamlet by William Shakespeare. 

First i read the book then i watched the movie. Hamlet was my favorite character, i loved how he deal with all the tough situations that happened to him after his father's death, but i didn't like the end because everyone just died even Hamlet. it could have been ends with better ending, however the movie and the book was great. 

Best horror book: Dracula by Bram Stoker.

I think this book is my favorite horror story, i even watched the movie when i was really young, i never get bored from this book i can read all over again. Dracula is the main character he's a vampire. usually i hate fiction stories but this book made me love it. 

Favorite beach read: girls we love by J.minter.

I say this book was just written for girls and especially girls who love to read about high school students and crazy teenagers stories. its about a girl who want to change of herself and be just like every girl in the school and go parties with her friend. this book is not my favorite but it talk about everyday life in high school and how the teenagers think. J.minter is really great author for teenagers novels and she has alot more novels than this and i'm looking forward to read all of the insiders novels. 

Book i recommend to friends : Eleanor&Park by rainbow rowell.

It is about two misfits students who loved each other, it was their first love but in the end they find out they were not meant to be together. this book made me cry and laugh at the same time. the movie is coming out soon and i'm really excited to see it.